Certificate 30% Recycled Material is currently a matter of interest to many plastic bag importers and exporters. Here are some of the most common questions and answers collected by Vn Plastic. And which company, factory in Vietnam can provide this certificate? Let’s check this out!

Certificate 30% Recycled Material
Certificate 30% Recycled Material

Q&A about Certificate 30% Recycled Material

Q: We are a Far East company: our client asks us for a declaration certifying that our product contains at least 30% of recycled material, in order to be able to export it to the UK. what kind of document should I provide him with?

A: Information on what records you need to keep to evidence recycled plastic is on GOV.UK at

Audience Question of Certificate 30% Recycled Material:
Q: what sort of documents HMRC will accept as a proof from our suppliers, that produce our packaging to proof, that pkg has more that 30% recycled plastic?
A: You will need to keep records to show:

  • the total amount in weight of the packaging component
  • where applicable, the data and calculation used to determine the recycled plastic content and that the input material is recycled plastic
  • the weight of plastic packaging that is exempt and the reason for the exemption
  • the amount in weight of exported plastic packaging

Additionally, if you manufacture or import packaging components which contain plastic but it’s not the predominant material by weight, you may want to keep records to show the weight of the all the materials used to manufacture the packaging to demonstrate the component is not taxable.
Further information and examples on record keeping are available on GOV.UK at

Audience Question of Certificate 30% Recycled Material:
Q: Does any information need to be stated on import/export clearances?

A: No, but you may need to use some of the import or export documentation as evidence for PPT

Audience Question of Certificate 30% Recycled Material:
Q: Do we need to secure evidence for the weight of the packaging? (i.e. even if the recycled content is less than 30%)

A: Yes, you need to know the weight of the packaging to calculate the tax due

Audience Question:
Q: What evidence is required to satisfy HMRC that a particular plastic contains 30% recycled material

A: Business documents showing the materials used in the manufacture of the container and the source of the recycled plastic used

Audience Question of Certificate 30% Recycled Material:
Q: We are going to be asked by retailer to submit evidence for their own due diligence, will the system facilitate this type of documentation?

A: Businesses purchasing finished plastic packaging will be expected to carry out due diligence on their supply chains and processes as they would with any other tax or commercial activity.
Further guidance on what constitutes sufficient due diligence is available on GOV.UK at

Audience Question:
Q: Current regulations prohibit the use of recycled plastic in containers which are in contact with foodstuffs. Thus food importers using plastic containers are unable to avoid paying the tax


• The Government has intentionally limited the number of exemptions from the tax and included types of plastic packaging where it may currently be challenging to increase the level of recycled plastic used. This is to maximise the incentives for using recycled plastic and stimulate the recycled-plastic supply chain.

• This is the best way to stimulate innovation to overcome the challenges of using recycled plastic in packaging. We are already seeing breakthroughs in packaging technology where it is more challenging to use recycled plastic.

Audience Question:
Q: Does my product need to be certified by an accredited body or is self-certification sufficient?


• HMRC recognises that verification and certification schemes can help businesses substantiate claims about the recycled plastic used in their packaging.
• While HMRC welcomes the use of such schemes, this is a commercial decision for a businesses and we currently have no plans to endorse any schemes.

Audience Question:
Q: If all plastic manufactured or imported contains at least 30% recycled plastic, why we may need to register?

A: You still need to register, submit returns and keep records so that you can prove that no tax is due if asked to do so

Audience Question:
Q: In terms of data accuracy of product packaging imported, what is HMRC’s initial expectation in terms of product weight and component accuracy?

A: There is advice on weighing methods in the guidance

Download 30% recycled material logo SVG + PDF format

At least 30 percent recycled content

At least 30 percent recycled content PDF

Which factory in Vietnam has it to meet HM Govt requirement?

Hence, Vn Plastic can certain provide Certificate 30% Recycled Material for those who import plastic bag to UK. For further details about this, please feel free to reach us for instant support.

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